Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Here's an uplifting way to start off 2012 - as you can clearly see I am not a very disciplined blogger.

I was very humbled by a story that my husband told me last night. He has night classes in nearby Del Rio, TX (which is our biggest neighboring town), and sometimes I will ask him to do a little grocery shopping on his way home. Last night was one of those times.

As we're standing in the kitchen he casually says, "I spent a little more at Wal-Mart than we discussed." Naturally, my negativity gets the best of me and I am thinking GREAT! Just what we need more tools to junk up our garage or more parts for the boat that we rarely use. Something told me I needed to be open minded and listen to what he had to say.

My husband told me a tale about how Wal-Mart had been very crowded and how he stood in the checkout line for quite some time. He said a Military man was in line ahead of him and was havin trouble checking out. The man was encouraged to use the in-store bank's ATM machine and John noticed that his cart was filled with little girl's' Valentine items, etc. As the cashier rang up John's cart, John continued to observe the man who was taking several cards from his wallet, trying to use them in the machine and then checking the paper slips as they came out. John noticed the man step aside to make a phone call, which John assumed was to his wife.

John asked the cashier if he could pay for the man's items. John then took the cart and receipt over to the man who was still on the phone. John extended his hand out to the man, shook his hand and said "Thank you for serving our country." The man was very thankful and John just walked away.

As John told me this story, chills ran down my spine. I could not help but think about how many times I am offered with the opportunity to selflessly do a random act of kindness and I choose not to.

I was completely inspired by my husband. After 10 years of marriage, this man never ceases to amaze me. I feel truly blessed that such an extraordinary person has come into my life. Of course I would love to try to live by following the What would Jesus Do? motto... But at this point, I would be an incredible individual if I could just ask myself, What Would John Do?

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