It's almost time for BACK TO SCHOOL. I have 5 days of summer left to be exact. . . (yikes)
My classroom is pretty well in order and I have a lot of my lesson planning complete... However, I keep thinking about my summer days and wonder if I have used them very wisely. There are a lot of home projects that I had intended to get done... Like cleaning out the shop and carport, getting our jewelry website more updated, building up a ton of jewelry inventory, etc. I also planned to visit the doctor and dentist while I had time off.
I have had a million things to do, but the procrastinator inside me took over and often times I put those projects off until the last minute. Now here it is with 5 FREE days left, and I am trying to cram it all in.
Working well under pressure is one of my best-qualities, but I do not think my body or mind appreciate the elevated stress level that comes with it. I wonder, maybe... just maybe, if I did things in a more timely manner and didn't wait until the last minute, if life would be a bit easier. Then again, the procrastinator in me keeps saying, "that might be a boring life." haha
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