So, we have been blessed beyond measure to have met the Bonner Family. We moved to Brackettville not knowing very many people... In fact, we moved to Brackett only knowing the Voyles'. . . But as I started to work at Jones Elementary, it wasn't long until Maxine Bonner took me under her wing. haha! Max has been a great friend... She helps me in my classroom a lot and we have formed a great friendship. I also have a good friendship with her lovely daughter, Mrs. Dana Rae Bonner-Kellner :) John has also formed a great friendship with Vance - in fact, Vance is quicky becoming his new #1 Fishing Buddy! We visited the Bonner's after Thanksgiving this year and we snapped a family photo for their Christmas card. Maybe next Christmas card I can get KJ and Pat to smile... haha. Just a thought!