Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

"Hey Baby, check out the gun show going on over here - BOOM, BOOM, FIREPOWER!"

Okay, so typically I take tons of photos at Christmas... But this year, my sister-in-law told me that my niece Erin wants to be a photographer... So, I let Erin (Photo on left) have her way with my camera - and I came across one photo I just had to share! When I asked my husband what the deal was with this picture of him, his response was: "Well, Erin said 'Uncle John, can you stand in front of the tree and do firepower' so I did." hahaha! My nieces and nephews were enthralled with the new Night at the Museum movie, especially the part where the statue says the Firepower line - as shown above. Our family is so COMICAL... I hope your holiday was as joyful as ours! Happy Birthday, Jesus & Erin Marie!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Making Headlines

I thought it might be fun to look through the headlines I had posted on my Myspace. I rarely ever use my Myspace anymore... In fact, I use it to little I am considering deleting my account. Pre-Facebook it was such a big deal to think of something witty to post as a headline... But now with Facebook - any 'ol thing can be posted as a status - so it isn't such a big deal... But here is what I thought was noteworthy when I was a MySpacer :)
Live like a Gypsy, Party like a Pirate, Rodeo like a ROCKSTARRR!
A perfect insane would be so mundane, so what you gonna do? You're gonna find somebody crazy like you.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and achievements.
I'm the EXCEPTION, not the Rule!
It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring!!!
Whatta you gonna do? You can't fight city hall...
Who made you the freakin Dalai Lama? (My Dad said this to me) haha!
If you want to hear God laugh tell Him your plans.
Life Ain't Always Beautiful but it's a Beautiful Ride
Everybody Falls, it's how you pick yourself up that counts.
I've learned to never underestimate the impossible.
Life's a Dance you Learn as you go.
I was born country, that's what I'll always be.
Save the Drama for your Mama.
I don't take my whiskey to extremes.
A true friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
The Road goes on Forever and the Party never ends.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bonner Family

So, we have been blessed beyond measure to have met the Bonner Family. We moved to Brackettville not knowing very many people... In fact, we moved to Brackett only knowing the Voyles'. . . But as I started to work at Jones Elementary, it wasn't long until Maxine Bonner took me under her wing. haha! Max has been a great friend... She helps me in my classroom a lot and we have formed a great friendship. I also have a good friendship with her lovely daughter, Mrs. Dana Rae Bonner-Kellner :) John has also formed a great friendship with Vance - in fact, Vance is quicky becoming his new #1 Fishing Buddy! We visited the Bonner's after Thanksgiving this year and we snapped a family photo for their Christmas card. Maybe next Christmas card I can get KJ and Pat to smile... haha. Just a thought!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanks for Giving

Thanks for Giving!!!
So, I was desperate to get a Christmas card picture... I considered setting up a tripod and doing the whole run to the spot really fast, try to pose myself, compose a decent smile and not look out of breath in the picture... haha! But LUCKILY, our nephew Trevor ventured from Houston to come see us for Thanksgiving - so I had a super excellent photographer to help me. Since turn about is fairplay, Trevor requested a couple pictures for himself since he is a Senior this year.

Me, John and Brewsky
(Our little Brewsky is an inherited pet from my sister who moved out in June). On the streets of Brackettville, Texas.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Remember the Reasons for the Seasons

I love this time of the year... I love the holidays!!! Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of the crowds. the long lines to check out nor the HUGE dent Chrismas tends to make on my checkbook.... but I like the very idea of the holiday giving!
I am a very family-oriented person. I embrace the fact that there are TRADITIONS at Christmas. I love putting up the Christmas tree and spending time carefully planning which gifts we will select to place under it. I love thinking about how excited face the person receiving the gift might have when they open it. Most importantly, I love coming together as a family and thinking about what we have to be thankful for. We are so blessed beyond belief with so many little liberties that we often take for granted.
I snapped this picture to boast on my Facebook about today's accomplishments... But the thoughts really going through my head was how thankful I am for all my many blessings.